What does it mean to be a fiction novel author? Or maybe, what does it take to be a fiction novel author? I’m excited to share my story, and what it takes to move a several-word idea to a 111,000-word novel. I believe if you love reading, and/or want to be an author, you’ll be interested in what an author goes through to get their story to your eyes, mind, and heart.
I finished my first novel, “Debts Unsettled,” and began a sequel. Literary agents and publishers have expressed interest and asked for portions of my novel. But I’m leaning toward electronic self-publishing (I welcome feedback on that decision). Statistics suggest 50% of readers read both print books and e-books, with e-books trending upwards. Okay… enough of that.
Often, I find myself in a conversation that leads to the other person discovering I wrote a fiction novel, and that I’m working on a sequel, and the first book of a different series. Take a guess at what they say next? “I’ve always wanted to write a book.” Or, “Someday, I will do that.” As long as you’re guessing, how many do you think follow through? I can only guess, but I think I’d be in the ballpark by saying 1%.
Why? Only they can answer that. But I can tell you it’s hard work. Not like the work I did in construction as a young man, or as a career Firefighter on an fire engine or fire truck, or as a chief officer, or Fire Chief.
It’s hard work because you must dedicate yourself and isolate yourself, while learning the craft. Taking courses, reading other author’s work (yes, an author must also be a reader), attending conferences, and being able to take criticism. Oh, and you must be able to write a story that engages the reader. That last point, other than my beta readers, I’ve yet to discover whether or not I’ve successfully done that.
But I wrote a 111,000-word novel! I’m over-the-moon excited about that accomplishment.
So, what have I learned on my journey? Each week, I’ll dig into the enjoyment, the frustration, and the challenges associated with completing a novel. And you can be part of my experience.
Will I gain an audience? Will I sell 10 copies or 10,000 copies? I hope you enjoy following my experiences. I’ll be both brutally honest about my success, or lack thereof, and share with you what I’ve learned (and what I’m learning). My goal is to help and encourage you; maybe even to where you say: I can do that!
And, you’ll know someone who’s done ‘that’ and can be a sounding board for you.
So… are you with me? If you are, let me know; I love meeting other lovers of books!
Next week, I’ll discuss my inspiration and idea for my first novel.
Let’s go!
Hollis Oliver
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